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    Pre-Order Q&A

    • PRE-ORDER COLLECTIONS MUST BE ORDERED SEPARATE FROM EACH OTHER! (ex. If you order Project Life that order can only have Project Life collection items in it!)
    • Do not combine pre-orders with other collections or products on the website!

    • Once completed, orders cannot be changed!

    • Project Life Pre-Orders will ship in May from American Crafts so expect us to ship sometime after that.

    • Order pre-order collections separately from anything else on the site or a hold will be placed on your order.

    • Please be aware that if a vendor doesn't ship a collection complete, then you will not receive your collection complete!

    For more info please read our FAQ Page

    • Q: How long do I have to place my pre-order?

    • A: Depending on availability, you can place your order as long as it's in stock from the vendor.

    • Q: Do you have a limited quantity to sell?

    • A: Unfortunately, our quantity is limited. As much as we would love to have enough for everyone on the planet (because we love them so much) we don't! So get your order in as soon as you can!

    • Q: When will my order ship from SYT?

    • A: We expect to have all items in our warehouse one week after you place your order and it will ship after that date. Be sure to check here for updates on shipping schedule.

    • Q: Can I order other items with my pre-order?

    • A: There are a couple of reasons why you wouldn't want to. First, SYT will hold your entire order until your Pre-order products are in and ready to ship. (For us Scrapbookers, that time waiting for our precious items feels like an eternity.) Second, SYT offers specials all of the time and only one coupon code per order is allowed..

    • Q: If I do place other items in my pre-order, will you ship them to me early if I ask nicely?

    • A: Unfortunately, at this time, we cannot ship orders separately. If you place other items on your pre-order, all items will be shipped at the same time.

    • Q: I have two coupon codes that I want to use but it looks like there is only place for one, how do I use both?

    • A: As much as we would love to allow multiple coupon codes to be used, we just can't. Pick the one that works best for you and we'll happily honor it!

    • Q: When will I be charged for my pre-order?

    • A: You will be charged at the time your order is placed. We must do this to ensure that we can reserve your items for you.

    • Q: Are the shipping rates the same as the regular items found on your site?

    • A: Yes.

    • Q: What is the return policy on pre-orders?

    • A: Unfortunately, we cannot accept returns on any pre-orders.

    • Q: What if I change my mind before the item has shipped?

    • A: Unfortunately, once an order is placed we cannot cancel the order.

    • Q: What if the supplier does not send enough product to fill all orders, will the orders be cancelled and refunded?

    • A: We will do our best to avoid this from happening, in the event that this occurs a refund will be issued for the items not shipped.